A Biblical Exposition On “Hosanna In The Highest” | Copyright © 2020 By Pastor Fortune Mbah Kenya, Th.D.
And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. Matthew 21:9 (King James Version of The Holy Bible)
Hosanna is a veritable tool in worship and spiritual warfare that some Christians are yet to know. Hosanna, as seen in the above text, was a shout of praise sang by a group of expectant Jews during the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
Hosanna has a Hebrew etymology of “Hoshea-na” (related to the name, Hosea) which literally means, “Please, save us now, oh Lord”, “help us now, Adonai!”, “salvation is now”, or “send us a savior now!”
This liturgical (prayer) phrase first appears in Psalm 118:25 in the Hebrew term as, “Yahweh hoshiyah na, anaa” (Lord, save us now, I beseech thee” and in the Septuagint (LXX) as “save us now, Lord.”
This was an expression of the deep expectancy of the post-exilic Jews, to see a saviour of Israel who would liberate the Jews from their oppressors.
The incarnation and emergence of Jesus at such a time had raised the hope of the Jews who wished to see the prophecy of David and Moses fulfilled, about the expected King who was to save Israel from their enemies.
On the Palm Sunday, they all sang in ascended rhythm, expecting their King, Jesus, to declare the freedom of Israel from their Roman oppressors.
Barabbas had probably set the stage by inciting the great insurrection (an untamed protest of freedom) which resulted to the murder for which he was jailed (Luke 23:19).
The chorus, “Baruk haba be Shem Adonai” (Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord) was in the air. Palms and leaves were raised as a sign of independence protest against the Roman authorities on the emergence of their long-expected King who had come to declare the long-awaited freedom.
In the heights of this expectancy, they were faced with the greatest disappointment of all time. The Messiah was talking about a spiritual kingdom He was to establish. Suddenly, the lyrics of the Jews would change from “Hosanna” to “Crucify him”. They would rather see Barabbas, the notorious leader of the militant movement, released than face the disappointment from an expected king of the Jews.
This ideal was a strong bidding that even the disciples had expected this kingdom after His resurrection, as they asked, “When will you restore the kingdom to Israel?” Acts 1:6-8.
Christ told them of the spiritual Kingdom. He was the Hosanna in the highest, the Savior consummate. Halleluyah!
The attachment of the phrase “in the highest” shows Christ is the end of all oblations, the consummated sacrifice, the end of all sacrifices, the ultimate salvation, the Highest helper.
So, when you sing, “Hosanna in the highest”, you are saying, Christ is The Ultimate Helper, The Greatest and Only Saviour, The Hoshea Rabbah; our Helper in all totality, fullness and consummation.
Satan cannot withstand this revelation! Sickness will move at this understanding and declaration. reproach and affliction will vanish.
The Jews are still expecting their promised messiah till this day, but they will be amazed to see Him appearing for the battle of Armageddon; there and then they shall scream, “Baruk haba beshem Adonai” (Matthew 23:39). This will lead to the Millennial Kingdom of Christ in fulfilment of the expected prophecies.