Olubukola Veronica Bakare The Author Of A Poem On Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus: The World Is Not Your Home | Copyright © 2020 By Olubukola Veronica Bakare

Like a bolt out of the blues
You penetrated the very fabric of life
Setting New Rules
A New World Order
Young and Old,
Rich and Poor,
Vulnerable and Abused,
You have spared no one
A leveller, you’ve become
In a flurry, lives gone

Every Continent, you’ve berthed
Like the unwelcome Guest that You Are
Countries cry out in need
Yet you lurk around clothed in greed

A phase you are
One which will fade away
For this is no child’s play

This World is Not your Home
For you have made families groan
Daily, figures keep rising
Beyond the horizon
The World waits with bated breath
Away from our Land!!
One we’ve toiled to make Grand
United as a People
One Nation
One World
One Hope
The World awaits your demise
So It Can Rise Again!!!

Copyright © 2020 By Olubukola Veronica Bakare