Prohibited and Restricted Names of Registered or Incorporated Companies in Nigeria (Nigeria Business Directory)
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Prohibited and Restricted Names of Registered or Incorporated Companies in Nigeria: Section 30 of Companies and Allied Matters Act (Successful Nigeria Business Directory)

30. Prohibited and Restricted Names

(1) No company shall be registered under this Act by a name which —

(a) is identical with that by which a company in existence is already registered, or so nearly resembles that name as to be calculated to deceive, except where the company in existence is in the course of being dissolved and signifies its consent in such manner as the Commission requires; or

(b) contains the words “Chamber of Commerce” unless it is a company limited by guarantee; or

(c) in the opinion of the Commission is capable of misleading as to the nature or extent of its activities or is undesirable, offensive or otherwise contrary to public policy; or

(d) in the opinion of the Commission would violate any existing trade mark or business name registered in Nigeria unless the consent of the owner of the trade mark or business name has been obtained.

(2) Except with the consent of the Commission, no company shall be registered by a name which —

(a) includes the word “Federal”, “National”, “Regional”, “State”, “Government”, or any other word which in the opinion of the Commission suggests or is calculated to suggest that it enjoys the patronage of the Government of the Federation or the Government of a State in Nigeria, as the case may be, or any Ministry or Department of Government; or

(b) contains the word “Municipal” or “Chartered” or in the opinion of the Commission suggests, or is calculated to suggest, connection with any municipality or other local authority; or

(c) contains the word “Co‐operative” or the words “Building Society”; or

(d) contains the word “Group” or “Holding”.

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