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Monday, 17 June 2024

Topic: Your Children Will Have Noth­ing To Fear

READ: Isaiah 54:13-14 (MSG); 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)

“All your chil­dren will have God for their teach­er—
what a mentor for your chil­dren! You’ll be built sol­id, grounded in righteousness,
far from any trou­ble—noth­ing to fear!
far from terror—it won’t even come close!.”

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”


Beloved, your children will have noth­ing to fear when you position them well and early in life to be taught and mentored by God Himself. Pray and speak God’s word to them as soon as they are conceived and continue after their birth until they grow to the age of taking responsibility for themselves, and they will hear and conform.

It’s important that you know that your child is a spirit with a soul like any other human. He or she is only in the womb to have a body formed. So position him or her early (from conception to birth until maturity) to be taught and mentored by God, who alone has absolute control over human life.

As Christian parents, especially during pregnancy, do not listen to worldly and sometimes devilish music, which intimidates and instils fear, hatred, etc, in people. Children in the womb hear and at times react as it was for John the Baptist in the womb of Elisabeth (Zachariah’s wife). Luke 1:41 says, “And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.”

When children are born or adopted into your home, be more careful to position yourself to be used by God to instil power, love, and sound mind in them by your godly actions and ungodly inactions. Surround your children and yourself with righteous (godly) cartoons, movies, dances, speech, etc. Let there be no cartoons with cultic background or influence, worldly and satanic dances, vulgar and abusive words, quarrels, fights, etc, in the home or around them.

Teach the children God’s ways, and when they grow to personally know Him, God will take over and become their teacher and mentor. And God who does not give the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind will groom them in such a way that your children will have noth­ing to fear in this seemingly fearful world.


My God and Father, thank you for your words of admonition. Forgive me for not positioning my children early enough for your mentoring. I pray that the spirit that goes with the children of disobedience that seems to be manifesting in my children be taken out of their lives by your power. Like Jesus Christ, Who sanctified Himself for our sanctification (John 17:19), help me to position myself right from now so that my children will be positioned well for your teaching and mentoring. Lord, God bless my little efforts from now on to position my children well for you. According to Psalm 32:8, instruct and teach my children the way they should go: guide them with Your eye. Take over the lives of my children for good and let them have noth­ing to fear in this seemingly fearful world in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Copyright © 2024 Dr. Mrs Mary John

Dr. Mrs Mary John

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