Daily Spirit of Life Devotional By Archbishop Israel Nwachinemere Israel

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Monday, 27 May 2024

Topic: Bulldozing Evil Checkpoints

Ezekiel 21:21
“For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination:”

Ezekiel 21:21-27


Blessed family and friends, As there are physical military and police checkpoints along the roads, so also are there spiritual checkpoints: at the crossroads, deserts, riverside, cemeteries, marketplaces, covens, shrines, joints, 1st and 2nd heavens, etc.

The King of Babylon, like the Prince of Persia, mentioned in Daniel 10:13 is a principality with negative spiritual authority. In today’s passage, he set up his checkpoints at the crossroads and was projecting evil to Jerusalem (Ezekiel 21:22).

Sisera, another diabolical military leader, was using spiritual GPS (Global Positioning System) to command the stars in the 1st heaven, to fight against the Children of Israel but it backfired when the stars fought in their courses and formations against him and he died a miserable death (Judges 5:20).

Consequently, it is important in strategic spiritual warfare not to ignore these major satanic checkpoints. Have you not observed fresh sacrifices placed at the crossroads?
Have you not noticed that fatal and ghastly accidents occur at the crossroads?
Did you not know that there are covens at Crossroads for Witchcraft meetings?
Are you not aware that occult symbols are crosses with equal vertical and horizontal lengths from the centre (depicting crossroads) unlike the Calvary Cross where the vertical length (God-to-man relationship) is longer than the horizontal length (man-to-man relationship)?

Be sober and vigilant when traversing satanic checkpoints. Don’t forget that greater is He that is in you than He that’s in the world. (1 John 4:4).

  1. The first weapon of offence and defence for every believer is the blood of Jesus.
  2. At the crossroads, invoke the power in the name of Jesus and
  3. Summon the fire of the Holy Spirit to consume every resident altar and its evil priests.
  4. Command their evil projections to backfire and return to sender with double destruction, in Jesus’ Name.
    From today, you are empowered to scatter evil checkpoints in Jesus’ Name.


  1. Overturn, overturn, and overturn the activities of the royal priesthood of idolatry at all crossroads near you.
  2. Speak in tongues and make prophetic declarations once you approach any crossroads.


  1. I re-dedicate my life to Jesus and the kingdom assignment in Jesus’ Name.
  2. I raise the blood of Jesus as an ensign against demonic activities in shrines, crossroads, rivers and graveyards in Jesus’ Name.
  3. I deploy the host of heaven to contend with every King of Babylon, Sisera, Pharaoh, Herod and Goliath mobilized against the Church in Jesus’ Name.
  4. O Lord, disappoint the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot perform their evil enterprises, in Jesus’ Name.
  5. My Father, let not the wicked prosper in our nation to continue their dominance and oppression of the righteous, in Jesus’ Name.
  6. You, Babylon, scatter and be consumed by fire, in Jesus’ Name.
  7. Divine perimeter of fire, surround my family and me against any affliction, sudden death and destruction, in Jesus’ Name.
  8. Thank you, Jesus, for answering my prayers.

Please, kindly share this Devotional. Thank you so much. God bless you. Amen!

Copyright © 2024 Archbishop Israel Nwachinemere Israel
Lawyer & General Overseer of Kings Evangelical Church International, Lagos, Nigeria

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